Why I no longer experiment with the morning rhythm!

The benefits of a morning rhythm are numerous and also backed up by science!

Have you got a morning, a nighttime or weekly rhythm that is generally unwavering, rock-solid, you know “put a #donotdisturb sign on the door” because it’s self-care time?

Ditto. For the last five or so years I’ve tended to wake early, meditate, journal, pull an oracle card and go for a walk.

I know how good I feel after engaging in this daily ritual, and the benefits of a morning rhythm are also backed up by science.

A study reported in Nature Communication stated that being genetically programmed to rise early may lead to overall improvements in wellbeing and improved mental health[1].

As reported by Harvard University[2], regular exercise is good for you because it:

  • reduces weight
  • lowers blood pressure
  • prevents diabetes
  • improves cholesterol
  • increases muscle strength
  • improves sleep quality
  • improves mood and
  • even sharpens the mind

In an article by the University of Rochester Medical Centre it is said that journalling can help you[3]:

  • manage anxiety
  • reduce stress
  • cope with depression
  • improve your mood
  • reframe and reprioritise problems and fears
  • keep track of your day-to-day wellbeing so you can recognise triggers and apply antidotes and
  • provide a safe space to practice gratitude and positive self-talk by identifying negative thoughts and behaviours

Sometimes I experiment with my morning rhythm and have found it puts a glitch in the matrix.

This past Tuesday, I arranged to go for a walk with a friend and slept for a little longer before the walk rather than getting up to meditate before walking. I figured I’d slot meditation into the day. This didn’t happen as planned because I committed to helping my daughter with the covering of her school books.

In this episode of the podcast, I share a reflection of what happened when I changed up my morning rhythm!


Is there an aspect of your morning rhythm you would like to change? If so, what would you do instead to bring more purpose and meaning to your day?

And if you have a rock-solid rhythm, we'd love to hear about it on socials!

Hit us up on Instagram or join our Facebook group and start a conversation with like-minded women who value: courage, connection, nature and nourishment!



[1] Jones, S.E., Lane, J.M., Wood, A.R. et al. (2019). Genome-wide association analyses of chronotype in 697,828 individuals provides insights into circadian rhythms. Nat Commun 10, 343. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-018-08259-7

[2] Harvard University. (2013). The science of exercise shows benefits beyond weight loss. Retrieved from https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-science-of-exercise-shows-benefits-beyond-weight-loss

[3] University of Rochester. (date unknown). Journaling for Mental Health. Retrieved from https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?ContentID=4552&ContentTypeID=1

Categories: Psychology, Slow Living, Mindfulness, Mental Health, Podcast